case-study (27 posts)

EDR Design and Implementation Solution For All Business Endpoints.
Dario Evangelista
- 03 Oct, 2023
- 04 Mins read
Thousands of endpoints

Azure Virtual Desktop - A Prominent Italian Development Bank
Denis Dal Molin
- 18 Sep, 2023
- 07 Mins read
Microsoft AVD Implementation

Preparation of a POC for an Italian Public Administration
Simone Rossi
- 24 Jul, 2023
- 04 Mins read
From requirements to graphic design - birth of a POC

Active Directory Migration with Keycloak
Matias Josè Seco
- 13 Jul, 2023
- 03 Mins read
Scripting Flexibility

Azure Cloud Migration - Operating in the Manufacturing Industry. From a Private to Public Cloud
Denis Dal Molin
- 26 May, 2023
- 08 Mins read
Mircrosoft Azure