Learning a New Language
Marta Kryvitska
- 11 Oct, 2024
- 02 Mins read

It is well-known, learning a new language from zero is not easy, so here are some tips that can help you to improve your learning;
- Commitment
- Having a defined goals (for what I am learning this language, how can it be useful for me...)
- Power of will and motivation
Useful things;
- Chunk learning method. It means that you learn with “chunks” that in fact are “pieces” or with entire sentences which you have to memorize. This method helps a lot because you learn grammar in a practical way and you don't have to recompose all the sentences when you have to speak the language... Because when you have to speak, you have no time to think about grammar during that moment.
- Learning path. Following a course helps a lot, as in the courses are defined the levels of languages A1, A2.... which are well structured based on level difficulty.
- Being surrounded by the environment of that language, if possible. Also starting from the smallest things like changing your phone language can be really useful, except when you have something important to do with your phone and in the first times you don't understand what it is saying :)
- Listening to music, watching films or your favorite TV shows in the language your are learning and adding the subtitles in your native language, in order to get more familiar with the listening
- Reading books that are written in a simple language. Children books are perfect, they also allow you to review your favorite fairytales from childhood
- Listen the news first in your native language and then try to listen the news by switching on another channel which explains in the language you are learning
Pros; Also learning a new language maintains your brain trained over the time, as it allows you to expand your dialectic. At the end it will be so satisfying to reach some personal goals
Cons; 404 not found :)