agilistic (36 posts)

Balancing value for successful products
Marina Salvati
- 12 Jul, 2023
- 06 Mins read
The banana slicer example

Agile at ITI Marconi
Simone Rossi
- 19 Jun, 2023
- 01 Min read
Five days of Agile training at I.T.I. Marconi in Dalmine (BG)

The Apple event phenomenon
Marina Salvati
- 06 Jun, 2023
- 02 Mins read
Decoding Apple's product launch strategies

Value, what is this?
Simone Rossi
- 25 May, 2023
- 02 Mins read
We all talk about Value, but do we really know what it is?

Dealing with uncertainty in complex environments
Marina Salvati
- 09 May, 2023
- 02 Mins read
The empiric basis of Agile

Italian Company Building IT Solutions for Professionals
Simone Rossi
- 05 May, 2023
- 04 Mins read
Delivering a product with strict deadline