security (26 posts)

Windows Server & VPN SSL - MFA with Azure AD
Denis Dal Molin
- 17 Feb, 2024
- 03 Mins read
MFA implementation with Entra ID

Tor Browser: un piccolo report sulle problematiche relative alla privacy
Cristian Rossi
- 17 Nov, 2023
- 05 Mins read
Una risposta agli attacchi relativi alla privacy

Carbon Black Integration for Securing Windows and Linux Systems
Manuel Salvi
- 31 Aug, 2023
- 02 Mins read
Carbon Black as a Service integration on a vSphere infrastructure for securing Windows and Linux systems

Royal Ransomware Spreads to Linux and VMware ESXi
Mohammad Alhummada
- 22 Feb, 2023
- 02 Mins read
Royal Ransomware Spreads to Linux and VMware ESXi

JavaScript prototype chain and security risks
Luca Pierluigi Famà
- 19 Dec, 2022
- 05 Mins read
What is a prototype in JavaScript and why it can lead to dangerous vulnerabilities

TrueBot Malware: The Infection of Businesses
Mohammad Alhummada
- 14 Dec, 2022
- 01 Min read
TrueBot Malware: The Infection of Businesses